Deep tissue massage is used for particular muscle tension or chronic pain conditions within the body. Healing from massage is based on the theory that soft tissue, which describes muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia, respond to touch. It is thought that most pain originated from problems with soft tissue. Muscles not only move our joints, they stabilise them, and they provide protection for the internal organs. When muscles are injured or become tight due to stress and tension, it can lead to chronic pain and problems with mobility, if left untreated. In general, massage therapists will decide which type of massage will best suit your condition.
During your treatment, we will assess where you need treatment and what may be causing your pain. When we know which muscles are causing the problem, we will tailor a treatment plan to suit. The treatment itself will involve general massage as well deep tissue work for short periods of time, in the areas that require it.
Deep Tissue Massage techniques pay attention to the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Slow strokes with deep firm pressure to release tight layers and contracted areas of muscle and tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body, restoring movement in the soft tissues. It alleviates pain, muscle spasm and stress from the problematic area, and helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. Each treatment will be adapted to each individual and massage techniques designed to treat both deep and superficial tissues, similar to those used in sports massage. Skilled manipulation combined with in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology are used to bring about pain relief, and to correct and normale the body’s muscles and soft tissues.