Rachel is a fully qualified Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist, she is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), the regulatory body for Acupuncturists in the UK.
As part of a 3 year BSc degree, she is trained in Traditional Acupuncture (TCM), a system that looks at your body as a whole, in order to assess the areas of imbalance and to restore its natural equilibrium. Acupuncture is used to treat a varying range of complaints from back pain, arthritis, irregular and painful periods to hot sweats. Treatments may consist of a combination of Acupuncture, Massage, or both, depending on what is most appropriate and what the patient wants.
Rachel provides a safe environment for patients to feel at ease to discuss their condition. Here we devise a treatment plan, and help them on their road to recovery. Many patients often return after they are better for top-up treatments, for relaxation and in order to restore and maintain their body's balance and equilibrium.
With her scientific background, following a degree in Pharmacology, Rachel takes an integrated approach to healing, looking to find a way that acupuncture can work alongside, and is some cases reduce any medication that you may be taking. Her main aim is to make patients feel comfortable and at ease, and ultimately well again.
"Rachel has such a calm, reassuring style she put me instantly at my ease and I felt completely confident in her understanding of what I needed. Her approach is truly holistic, nothing of what I told her was overlooked or discounted. She is a skilled and reflective professional, and I recommend her services highly." - Hester, York